Day eight - 10th August 2017

Day 8 - The Smarties tactic

Welcome to my guide on: How to get someone to do something for you. I am the little intern and here is my advice!
Bribe them with Smarties. Yep, that's right. Hold the sweets in the air and lure them to the desired destination.
My view! BTW, I can feel the doughnut shop staring me down.
OK, I didn't exactly wave Smarties in everyone's faces. I simply mentioned the treat in hope that the bribe would work :) it actually did work, to the point where we ran out of sweets! 

(I'm starting to think that the computer is better at recognising faces than I am at remembering names. It's weird how I can repeat the said name in my head over a thousand times yet still, I will not remember it the next day. Sorry to everyone I was introduced to today!!)

Back to my task! I spent my day walking from person to person, office to office, asking people if they wanted to participate in my emotion recognition project. My steps were simple:
  1. Tell them about the project (and the Smarties)
  2. Lead them to your computer
  3. Explain the project
  4. And lastly, don't make the participant feel awkward whilst they act out the emotions given to them into the camera  by watching them do it. Just read the booklet in front of you, little intern!
Fifteen participants later and the little intern ran out of sweets...

Teryaki noodle and Muso soup is actually sooo good!!
Did you know that all the women that work in Movidius, fit perfectly at a table of 7? Don't you worry Movidius and all the other Tech companies, this is what Teen Turn is here for! 
They plant women in your empty desk beside you and let them code away!

It was actually very nice to go out with the girls today for lunch. Not only can they teach you how to code, you can also learn how to use chopsticks from them! *proudly holds the two pens on her table like chopsticks*

Thanks again girls for the lovely day out for lunch!
As the day comes to a close, the little intern finds herself asking: Is tomorrow really my last day?


  1. That's definitely one of the best restaurants round here. I hope you enjoyed it :)

  2. Engineers are suckers for sweets - I told ya!

    1. It sure was great! No wonder pastry Friday is a favourite there!


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