Day nine - 11th August 2017
Day 9 - My last day at Movidius The little intern climbed into the bus and said her silent greetings to the usual, buzzing tourists with their oversized back-packs and cheery atmosphere, avid readers that huddle themselves over their battered but much loved books, and the fellow working people, each from different companies, with their name tags and t-shirts already stating that they're "Ready to help!" even though they're forcefully chugging down their cups of coffee , cautious not to spill the drinks whilst the bus does its jolts and turns. The little intern took her seat and sighed, for today was her last day working in a Tech company as a teenager. At least she can still brag about the fact that, after today, she used to have an internship in Movidius! The little intern made her tea, set up her desk and went to retrieve her latest item she 3D printed. This time, a phone holder for when she wants to have her movie nights at her desk with a bowl of ...