
Day nine - 11th August 2017

Day 9 - My last day at Movidius The little intern climbed into the bus and said her silent greetings to the usual, buzzing tourists with their oversized back-packs and cheery atmosphere, avid readers that huddle themselves over their battered but much loved books, and the fellow working people, each from different companies, with their name tags and t-shirts already stating that they're "Ready to help!" even though they're forcefully chugging down their cups of coffee , cautious not to spill the drinks whilst the bus does its jolts and turns. The little intern took her seat and sighed, for today was her last day working in a Tech company as a teenager.  At least she can still brag about the fact that, after today, she  used to have an internship in Movidius! The little intern made her tea, set up her desk and went to retrieve her latest item she 3D printed. This time, a phone holder for when she wants to have her movie nights at her desk with a bowl of ...

Day eight - 10th August 2017

Day 8 - The Smarties tactic Welcome to my guide on: How to get someone to do something for you. I am the little intern and here is my advice! Bribe them with Smarties . Yep, that's right. Hold the sweets in the air and lure them to the desired destination. My view! BTW, I can feel the doughnut shop staring me down. OK, I didn't exactly wave Smarties in everyone's faces. I simply mentioned the treat in hope that the bribe would work :) it actually did work, to the point where we ran out of sweets!  (I'm starting to think that the computer is better at recognising faces than I am at remembering names. It's weird how I can repeat the said name in my head over a thousand times yet still, I will not remember it the next day. Sorry to everyone I was introduced to today!! ) Back to my task! I spent my day walking from person to person, office to office, asking people if they wanted to participate in my emotion recognition project. My steps w...

Day six and seven - 8th & 9th August 2017

Day 6 & 7 - Am I an adult yet? Do you know what it's like when you tell people that you're free on bank holiday? First they get confused and ask what you mean.  "What do you mean, you're free every day, it's Summer holiday, remember??" "No, no my child" said the little intern whilst patting her dubious friend on the head, " I'm an ' adult '. I have work, everyday ! Today is my free day ! May I repeat, this is because I'm (like) an adult! " "I'm older than you." Let me tell you, people find it weird when they hear this from a teenager. You're also likely to not have anyone believe you.  Anyways, so I started my second week at Movidius on Tuesday :)  First I did my usual trip to the kettle and once I finished making my tea, off I went to work. <- See, at least I sound like an adult, right?  If I haven't already said this (I've mentioned it a thousand times at home alrea...

Day four and five - 3rd & 4th August 2017

Day 4 & 5 - A great end to my first week  If I wasn't doing an internship for Movidius this summer, I would have been left with the options of either  Do one of your usual holiday ventures Or you could study , OK no, not studying This gives me another reason to thank both Teen Turn and Movidius.  Thank you for not letting the little intern waste her summer break!! These last two days of my first week in Movidius were all about 3D printing :)  From fixing the four models on one of the programmes the little intern was using, to setting up the 3D printer herself (She beamed with pride at that moment). Not only were they going to print the 3D model, they were also going to make a timelapse of the progress!  OK, I'll admit, the first attempt of recording the printer didn't really work. By that I mean it didn't save any footage, yep, none of that five hour printing *slaps forehead* ! Thankfully they had another 3 attempts to make a timel...

Day three - 2nd August 2017

Day 3 - 3D printing an obsession  OK, so the usual: Come in the building Sit down at desk Get set up And be shown what the task for the day is. Something I wasn't expecting (but was a great surprise), was that I was going to be working on a 3D printing project. Luckily the little intern didn't mistake it for any sort of animal, we should all be proud :)                       Using different programs than she had used before, the little intern was set on a mission to help fix several models she was going to be printing. Even though it probably wasn't the hardest job to do, deleting little floating bits and excess pieces from the models did make the little intern feel important.  I mean come on, she was printing a model of Trinity College! Not only does the little intern admire this college, she in fact has a slight obsession with their library, as she does with many other libraries. Though T...

Day two - 1st August 2017

Day 2 - Python, not the reptile Should I continue calling myself "the little intern"? I think I will.  After much bragging at home about how she is now working in a tech company, the little intern began her second day at work. She pulled her jacket sleeves on, threw her bag on her back and was on her way.  It would be have been pretty weird if when the little intern was told she was going to be using a programme called python to do her code through, she would have thought of the snake 'python'. Confused as she would have been, soon she would have realised that she was not, in fact, going to work with a reptile that knows coding. Wow, how embarrassing would that be! *silently regrets having this thought actually pop up in her mind, even if it was for just a little while*.  The little intern began to feel like a real coder as the day went by. She learned more and more about how to tell- in the language of code- the programmes she was using to do all ...

Day one in Movidius - 31st July 2017

Day 1 - The little intern   First of all, let's just get this clear: working in tech is NOT boring, and you're hearing this from someone who isn't even that experienced in coding or anything computer related. To anyone who says otherwise, I'm on a mission to change your mind.     My first day went a little like this: The little intern (me), walks into the correct building- yes I know, I'm proud too :) ... *secretly thanks Google Maps*. Once the little intern is shown where to go, she begins her quest on finding her mentor! Surely enough, the little intern trips on one of the steps but we mustn't talk about that.  Now we must congratulate the little intern on successfully finding her mentor, Leonie! Then I get a tour of Movidius by Leonie and -of course- I eat one of the home-made chocolates that were in the kitchen.  Now I list the pros and cons of eating that chocolate: Pro - it was delicious, duh.  Con - the little intern was supposed...